Day 34: Lessons Learned on the Run


As of the date of this posting I have spent 34 consecutive days away from my permanent address…  

I have spent many of these days biking up mountains, hiking through canyons, playing with Mello alongside beaches, and camping amongst ponderosa pines and aspen.  I know that some would say I am in the midst of "the trip of a lifetime", "a life-altering experience", or "fulfilling a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity".  While I certainly hope this trip doesn't define me, I know that I am fortunate to have this opportunity and I don't mind it playing a significant chapter in The Book of Jefferson.  

What I wanted to share are some of the lessons, so far, I have learned along the way.  While the videos I post tend to show many of highlights of certain areas and the awesome experiences we are having what they don't show is a lot of day-to-day life as it is living on the road.  It's my current reality, I am living in a Astrovan, ok fine, a minivan even.  

So here it is a quick list, listed in no particular order, of a number of lessons I have learned "on the Run" thus far.